5 Questions to Ask if your Health Goal is God’s Best for You

podcast Jan 30, 2024

In this mini episode of the Joyful Health Show, we will dig into what it means to pursue health goals that align with the Lord’s will for you. Should we pursue a pain-free life? Is weight loss a harmful pursuit? What goals are both beneficial for us and honoring to the Lord? Drawing inspiration from 2 Corinthians 5:1-10, I’ll address the sustainability of health goals, integrating your intuition, and the significance of aligning with your life's purpose.

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5 Questions to Ask

  1. Is it sustainable:
    1. Does this goal have an end date for results?
    2. Can this pursuit flex with your life?
    3. Do you have a confident plan B for when the plan fails?
  2. Does it integrate your intuition or dismiss body wisdom?
    1. Do you have to ignore hunger?
    2. Can you still honor fullness cues?
    3. Do you have permission to rest from exercise?
    4. Can you choose exercise that feels good?
  3. Does it overflow from your purpose? 
    1. Do you have a strong sense of purpose for your day and do your health goals align?
    2. Do you have a personal mission statement?
    3. Do your health choices interfere with or support your day?
  4. Is it life-giving?
    1. Is this health pursuit life-giving for you and others?
    2. Is this health goal kind, gentle, loving, joyful?
    3. Does it give you energy or drain you?
  5. Is it loving?
    1. Is this health goal helping you be more loved by God and love others better?
    2. Are you a more loving person for this health habit?
    3. Or, is this health pursuit making you a more frustrated, impatient and judgmental person?
    4. Is this health habit giving you temporary results or growing eternal fruit of the Spirit?

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