Are you "Gratifying the Flesh?" Here's What the Bible Says

podcast theology Aug 20, 2024

In this episode of the Joyful Health Show Kasey Shuler dives into the topic of “the flesh” in scripture. Kasey explores a key stumbling block among many Christians who struggle with their relationship with food and body and sheds light on what scripture means when it says do not “gratify the desires of flesh.”

In This Episode We Discuss:

  1. The dangers of misapplying Scripture’s use of the word “flesh” as it pertains to our body
  2. The two ways the Bible uses the word “flesh” and how to know the difference
  3. How we can begin spotting if we are desiring sinful desires of the flesh or simply feeding ourselves for nourishment 

We pray this episode removes any confusion you may have in your health journey with the Lord. We hope it sets you free to experience a greater level of joy in your relationship with food and body and a deeper intimacy with Christ.

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Key Takeaways

  1. We are ensouled bodies as much as we are embodied souls. Souls and bodies are intertwined.
  2. The word "flesh" in scripture can mean the body and can also mean the self-centeredness of man
  3. Flesh as sin nature is self-centered, flesh as God-centered is spirit-surrendered


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