How to Take Care Of Yourself As A Busy Mom Without Feeling Selfish with Laura Lindahl

podcast Dec 10, 2024

In this episode of the Joyful Health Show Kasey interviews pre and post natal fitness coach Laura Lindahl about her body neutral approach for Christian moms. In addition to discussing Laura’s journey with body neutral training Kasey and Laura dive into mom guilt, how it affects our health habits, and where it’s rooted, and how to view it in light of the gospel. 

In This Episode We Discuss:

  1. Why moms often feel guilty for taking care of themselves
  2. The difference between spiritual conviction and false guilt / shame and how to determine which one we’re dealing with when it comes to mom guilt.
  3. Pursuing health and wellness God’s way.

Whether you’re a mom yourself or know a mom, we hope this podcast blesses and equips you to spread the hope of God’s grace and love in the area of fitness. 

Click here to listen

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About Laura:

Laura Lindahl is a Pre and Post Natal Fitness Coach, Exercise Physiologist and, Christian Body Image Coach.

Laura has felt the pressure and burden that bounce back fitness culture has had on Christian moms and the way they see their body, and is in mission with the power of God to help moms reach their health goals with Kingdom centered motivation, joy, and respect for their body without all of the pressure to look like you never had a baby to begin with.

Connect with Laura  

On Instagram:

At her website:



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