Healthy Coping Strategies for Christians with Relational Stress with Lisa Peck

podcast wellness Sep 12, 2022

When you’ve just come out of a conflict with somebody, do you tend to go to eating or exercising to cope?

Often, we simply are overwhelmed with adrenaline and are unable to regulate our own emotions to move forward in a healthy way. If you’re tired of this cycle and want a better way to support your relationships and how you deal with tension, this episode is for you. 

Lisa Peck is an expert in teaching relational health, and shares a wealth of strategies to help us gain confidence in conflict without ruining our relationships with others or with God’s gifts of food and movement. 

What We Talk About in This Episode

In this episode, Lisa explains the following framework in detail for how to deal with relational stress.

What you can do to prepare for relational conflict:

  1. Cultivate a confessional community

  2. Write down Scripture that applies to specific relational stressors to refer to in times of conflict

What you can do during relational stress:

  1. Pray Scripture for yourself and over yourself in a personal way

  2. Do reflective journaling using the left-brain, right-brain guide

  3. Find it, feel it, share it, get care for it strategy

What you can do for the other person in conflict:

  • Breathe

  • Reflect

  • Share love

  • Take time to process

Listen to the full episode below to understand how to implement these strategies:

About Lisa Peck


Lisa has a double masters in Counseling and Christian Education from Denver Seminary and has been a pastoral counselor in practice for over 25 years in Huntsville, Alabama. She specializes in spiritual formation, grief, addiction/co-addiction, as well as issues surrounding infertility. As a relational educator, Lisa has a heart for helping people experience and develop relational health to facilitate better communication around emotional and spiritual issues. She and her husband, Carl, have been married over 27 years and love camping and travel. You can connect with Lisa at

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Takeaways From Today’s Episode

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